Thursday, May 3, 2007

When The Cat's Away...

The mice will pop the new Justin Timberlake- ssh! album into the stereo and shrink with self-conscious embarrassment at the fact that they actually like it! (She blushes)

Marty left early this morning for Calgary, so I'll be all by my lonesome for almost a week! Sniff, sniff. Everything about the trip is wrong: Marty leaving, the whole 'going to Calgary' part, and of course the 'me being lonesome at home' part. Le sigh.

My dear: I miss you already!


Jasmine said...

And alone over the weekend to boot, that really sucks. Hopefully this will be the last pickup from storage.

Of all your confessions here, your musical ones always shock me the most : )

carmelclose said...

Ahhh yes, all by yourself means more knitting time doesnt it?

dana said...

Jas: I know... they shock me, too. :(

Anonymous said...

Ummm... at least you two aren't wearing matching outfitz in the picture! That's a big positive!

JT effin rules.
Blast 'My Love' with pride, lady.